I don't think Americans would tolerate profiling.
I think that I'm the same Jan Brewer I was when I first ran for office way back in 1982, which is a few years ago. I always tried to do what I believed is right and I've always voted the way that I...
Arizona, our beautiful state, was built on mining. Copper is huge here, and now uranium. And then we have the federal government coming in, writing all these rules and regulations and telling us that...
The Democrats complain; I choose to compete.
lisa murkowski conceded in alaska to joe miller and we talked last week about joe miller and the fact that he is he holds a lot of positions that for many americans many even minded calmer free...
>>> Coming up next on "Arizona Horizon," we'll get the latest on how the Arizona national guard is addressing reports Of long-standing ethical and...
there's absolutely enters the body by gamefly goaded by dot com slash t y t for your free trial membership kelsey grammer and camille grammar are divorcing okayed the reason why did the right...
seven seventeen hundred and brought to you by net that starts in that place dot com slash the right-wing reprieve from them started many on this list it's canberra where governor of arizona up...
the world's largest brewer says it will pay 5-point-8 billion u.s. dollars to re-buy korea's leading beer company ob. market watchers expect the buyout to further intensify competition...
well this is Ted Gambordella and I want take just a second to show you an example some outstanding customer service Recently I went to a garage sale at my church and bought a New Keurig coffee maker...