Hey guys, this is iPodTouchTurtle and if you clicked this video your probably looking how to get free apps without jailbreaking so currently i'm using my old iphone for this video which is...
[Jailbroken Fullscreen iPad apps on AppleTV] Need a Jailbroken Apple Tv 2? Buy this: https://www.gboxmx2deal.comOur GBOX MX2 will allow you to watch every movie and tv show plus live sports event that...
Welcome to teachmeios.com where you'll find tips, tricks, apps and tutorials for your iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. Today I'll be reviewing an app called Jetscanner, which is a great...
Is it bad to jailbreak your iPad? Freedom comes at a cost. You risk voiding your warranty agreement with Apple. Apple shackles me to a limited number of apps. You can use apps that mimic a desktop...
[Music - Clearday by www.bensounds.com] To launch Tap Tap See First I have to make sure VoiceOver is switched on As it is not a self voicing app So first I double tap, on the Tap Tap See icon [Tap Tap...
0:00do 0:07%uh 0:17do 0:37pretend like you're telling me make it up stop 0:39stop that shit shut the fuck up interrupt the focused have it out have 0:43it up 0:43Trading Places borrowing push...
Welcome Back, Today I am going to show you how to download Flappy Bird on iOS after its discounted from the app store of course you need to jailbreak your device. To show that this actually works, I...
Is it bad to jailbreak an iphone? I’ve heard everything from it being the kiss of death to a beloved iPhone to no big deal. Jailbreaking the iPhone means you can install apps that Apple won’t allow,...
Hey Everybody, this is Jonathan from Love It To Bits. Now I love the new Podcasting app that Apple came out with. It's a great way to find podcasts, listen to them but whenever I'm not...



hello this how you use cydia after you download it from varios softwares you can choose the one you want their pretty much all the same some are easer but you can probbably do any one ok this is the...