Alicia: If you guys have questions and we're unable to address them on the monthly webinar, the forum is a fantastic positive place to go to ask questions. There are experienced coders, new...
My name is Melanie Rickey and I'm a London-based fashion editor and blogger. I've worked for several newspapers, was one of the launch editors of Grazia. For Westfield, I'm...
>> DAN SULLIVAN: I lived a really good life, doing a lot of travelling, a lot of sailing, having fun. That’s me. At the steering wheel. [MUSIC] Then I had a heart attack out at sea on a...
Hey guys....SonicUnleashed09 here. There's been news going around about a Sonic Adventure 2 port. What do you guys think? I don't know if it's legit or not but it was on the...
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Hi everyone Michael here with the Blitz Team in sunny Phoenix Arizona we're going to check out 1401 E Earll Avenue we're gonna be having an open house this Saturday from 10:30 until...
[intro music] [background music] >> Cavell: What's going on yall? It's your boy Cavell Anderson and today we're talking about Call of Duty MLG and the Honey...
THE LOVE FOR WOOD GM Jan Timman GM Jan Hein Donner († 27 nov. 1988) I believe it all starts with the love for wood When those shiny pieces are standing in front of you, it's hard not to touch...
Is CrossFit safe during pregnancy? CrossFit is an incredibly intense workout. People have actually over-worked their muscles to the point of exploding them. I’ve never seen someone with arms blow up...