I'm Taylor and when I first came here to Premier City Properties I was really impressed. We'd been looking around for a little while and hadn't found anything anywhere near as...
talking about the dream trip uh...the all-american dream trip uh... the dream trip the history it starts witha surf video and i brought the video home and watched it and it was all about two or three...
Hello there. It's Marcio with Vlog Number 22. It's snowing outside, so I decided to come outside, and you know, make a little quick little vlog. I've came back from brazil in...
This is Glen Merrill, Forecaster with the National Weather Service in Salt Lake City, Utah. Today is Thursday November 8th, 2012… and this briefing will look at a winter storm that is forecast to...
Hey Guys we're down at the PO Box. Let's see if we have anything! Ohh WHAT?!?! Yes! Who is this from? I can't believe that we got something already! Yeah we got something...
See above those clouds, near where the blue sky appears to fold? Some say it is the entrance to the floating isles where pirates still rule the air and dragons choose to live. Only the most skilled...
Our snowboarding tour in Washigatake Hey budy. Where are we heading to? Now we are gonna go to Gifu prefecture for snowboarding. hehehehehehheehehehehehe They are going as well!! Now we found mountain...
by just edit recording still will you didn't know gold-plated we redid work or out yet arata yeah uh... are and shania twain organic are uh... or off enough remained and but are haha quarrel...
Welcome to englishgrammarspot this tutorial is about the past continuous. In this lesson I'm going to show you how to form a past continuous and when to use a past continuous but before we get...
Chasing.Ice.2012.1080p.BluRay.x264.YIFY ABC NEWS ANCHOR (VO): It's hard not to be impressed when you see entire houses being swept away by flood waters in the West CBS EARLY (VO): Fires...