I'm Leigh Tristram. I'm a Supervising Examiner of Patents at IP Australia. We give inventors the protection that they need in order to get their inventions into the marketplace. Our...
como instalar aplicaciones .ipa sin sincronizar con itunes 1.- lo primero q necesitamos desde luego es nuestra aplicacion .ipa en la pc 2.- tener instalado install0us 2.5 en adelante 3.- tener instalo...



Hello. So, you have reached this video because you want to improve your English pronunciation. The next couple of minutes I'm going to explain to you what the International Phonetic Alphabet...
Hola, qué tal? Bueno es un gusto para mí saludarlos. Ustedes seguramenete no me conocen en su mayoría Hoy vamos a repasar brevemente los cuatro procesos principales de producción de productos...



Welcome to this new videotutorial About iOS7 Beta that it was realised Yesterday Apple only gives the Beta to developers And those who desnt have their Developer Account, and Have the iOS7 Firmware...
Hola, les doy la bienvenida al inicio del segundo semestre de la Carrera de Posgrado de Especialización en Industria Petroquímica que estamos dictando de modo virtual en conjunto con la Universidad...



Hi, I'm Mark Emiley on behalf of Expert Village. In this next segment, we will be talking about rinsing our grains and getting the nice wort out of them so we can use it in our brewing...
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Hi, I'm Mark on behalf of Expert Village. In this next segment we'll be discussing some of the sanitizers you can use to start to kill the microbes on your equipment. Next I'm...
Hi, I'm Mark on behalf of Expert Village. In this segment, we are going to continue our discussion of main ingredients to cover yeast, water and other adjuncts that you may be adding. Next, we...

