Hello, everybody in the world, I am Kenta Okada. Thank you for watching OkaTube. Today, I want to do my self introduction. What is your name? Kenta Okada. When is your birthday? 2nd January 1986....
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Did I ever tell you where I studied? I studied in four countries. In Spain, they speak Spanish there. Yes, I speak Spanish. Yeah, quite well. And the people there are called Spaniards. They are really...
While logged into Google+, Type in UCVAWLT into the searchbar or go directly to the UCVAWLT Learning Community. Once there, you may need to officially join the community You'll see the word...
Annyeonghaseyo! In this episode, we are going to learn how to introduce yourself. Let's say you wanna say, 'I'm Min' in Korean, we say, "Jeo nun Min im ni...



Hi, it's Tom Antion. Video has always been great to have on a website. The result of seeing things, seeing motion, seeing you, seeing your testimonials has always been great. In the past...
Hi there! How are you doing? It’s a good habit to workout and keep ourselves fit and healthy. Working out at the gym gives us focus and a schedule to stick to. We can also get help and motivation...
Hey everyone, I'm Dilshan and welcome back to the Lazy But Smart Sinhala video tutorial series. Episode 2: Introducing Yourself. Let's quickly recap the main points that you saw in the...
Wassup yall I go by the name of Ryan J I'm Amira. Welcome to He Lifts She Squats. Now this is a blog, a channel and also a website HeLiftsSheSquats.com dedicated to all couples that want to...