Interview recorded via cell phone from Singapore to U.S. Subtitles added due to sound quality. For me, most of my favorite 2D games come from the 16-bit era. Back then I think I was playing Sonic 3...
dukeofthebump: Who ate all the gabagool morsdraconis: Decided on this instead of Bastion eh? mcgack2: theres only 3 buttons though morsdraconis: Hey animeflame12: Do you have infinite lives? usunoro:...
uhh hi im Sam uhh you know I like long walks on the beaches with strawberries and peaches. My life is a lot like eat pray love without the last two. I would like to run for VD just because I think I...



The eighties kind of sucked. I mean, the crime rate was high, people were out of their minds on cocaine... But you know what’s funny? Despite all the things that made the eighties suck—the politics,...
Hi, I'm Jonathan one of the founders of Elevate Human Potential... We are focused on Elevating Human Potential one Business at a time. I can't talk Kellie into getting on camera today...



Your identity? Unnamed humanoid. Your objective? Collect the rings. The reason? I don’t know, because it’s fun? If you’re looking for the humanoid’s motivation, well...this probably isn’t a game for...
This week’s Kpop Music Monday will bring you back to the glory years with Girls’ Generations’ Mr Mr. Girls’ Generation are back after a more than a year long hiatus, and they’ve brought with them...
drop it! now! hey man! no problem! no problem at all! who are you? star lord. who? star lord man, legendary hevloc? forget it. we caught these five on zandar. check out the rep sheets, Drax aka the...
Hello everybody it's Maverynthia once again. Now you're wondering why I have Gish up. Well as you can tell, this is a semi response to Suraht. While he made a few good points on his...
Welcome again! This time I'm going to show you one of the main features of the game Need for Speed: Most Wanted for Xbox 360 in this video. So one of the main features is the police. Or the...