In today's Two Minute Tuesday we're continuing our series on dental practice web sites and today we're addressing the question what are meta tags. Put simply, meta tags are...
Learning any new language is a process that takes patience, discipline, and most importantly, a great deal of enthusiasm. I have seen many students in the past who said they were eager to learn...
You might be asking the question, "How do I know if Cash Flow Planning is right for my practice?". We at the Money Finder believe that Cash Flow Planning should be at the core of any...
In this Two Minute Tuesday we'll be discussing domain names for Australian dental practices and we'll be talking about the sorts of things you should consider when you're...
Hi Master's golf fans, Herman Williams here Dawn Patrol here in Augusta Georgia we're about to head over across the street to Augusta National so stay tuned I'll have more golf...
What's up guys? Kevin here from SnowboardProCamp. In this video I'm going to teach you how to backside 180 in the terrain park. 180's are the first spin you want to learn in...
How to Practice Buddhist Loving-Kindness Meditation. Metta bhavana, or loving-kindness meditation, is one of the two simplest meditations in Buddhism. It helps develop positive feelings towards all...
Hey golf fans, it's that time of year again. Herman Williams here bringing you my annual sneak peek at the 2013 Masters practice rounds so sit back enjoy I'll be here all day filming...