( theme music playing ) ( buzzing ) FRANKIE, WHERE ARE YOU? WELCOME TO THE CHOP SHOP, CUGINE. You can't kill me twice, Sally Boy. I'm already fucking dead, remember? I'm the...
( theme music playing ) ( radio clicks, music plays ) Disc jockey: New York's Classic Rock Q104.3. Good morning. I'm Jim Kerr. Coming up a little bit later on the...
Before I let loose with this ruthless agression,I'll let you be the second fat wowen hearing my confession I admit it,i did what i had to do to win,i'm an athlete,you're a...
Hello! Let me present the nourishing and protective Vitamin H Cream. A nourishing cocktail, this cream contains betacarotene, glycine soya, sweet orange-coloured carrot oil, rosewood oil and, of...
♪♪♪ (buzzer sounds) (catcalls and whistling) (buzzer sounds) HEY. YOU WANT TO LOSE THE FEW TEETH YOU HAVE LEFT, CARLOS? HEY, WOLF. NO, NO, NO, NO. IT'S OKAY. YEAH, DADDY. I HEAR WHISTLES ALL...
Hey Everyone! My name is Brie. We are so glad you could join us for service. We encourage you to expect God's grace and love to become real to you today. Before service continues, here are a...



citizenship yeah why standing here peace did you know places she wins Clinton's into said stand and wait to see which ones interact with each other for the ones that don't have any...



Hi. I'm Shannon Burford and I'm the Director of Cura Integrative Medicine. It is a clinic that uses evidenced-based herbal and nutritional medicine and naturopathy for health....
Hi, I'm Dr Kevin Passero, lead medical advisor for Vitabase. Enfuz products deliver a convenient cost effective to satisfy all of your core nutrient needs. It does this by providing a high...

