I think there are multiple kinds of 'single'

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[music] https://amzn.to/1lknOIB Simply click the hyperlink for more complete consumer evaluations of brother cs6000i feature-rich sewing machine, exclusive special offers and best offers Of this...
[ONLY FOR SALE] Vitamix Professional Series 750 with 64 oz Containe - Vitamix Professional Series I received my Vitamix 750 a couple of weeks ago. I love this machine. Yes, it was expensive, but I...
Let's say I want to save the whole webpage to evernote. In this case all I have to do is to use the everwebclipper bookmarklet, it switches me to the EverWebClipper app and here I can select...
[Dark music] >> Dr. Jekyll: A long time ago, when I was still studying medicine, I came upon certain mental traits in myself that were along the lines of what my professors described as...
G’day everyone, it’s Dr Peter Price of Classroom Professor. In this week’s video I’m going to talk to you about “Factors and Multiples of 3 and 9”. This comes from this e-book “10 Minutes a Day Level...
Hi guys! This is Steven May with a video review of an app related to Evernote, basically a third party Evernote kinda client, not a full featured client but still a very useful iPad app which is...
Hey everyone its Nick here, the Lord showed me something important the other night. He showed me another prophecy and he told me to tell everyone, while i was on my bed just about to go to sleep the...