Carly Rose Sonenclar - Performance My Heart Will Go On - Céline Dion Todas as noites nos meus sonhos, eu vejo você, eu sinto você. É assim que eu sei que você continuará... Longe, atravessando...
translation by Heny (YoungLadyJunsu^^) why my heart always racing everytime I saw you my sweat always rolling down everytime I am close to you why'd I always acting weird everytime you stare...
Eyes make their peace in difficulties With wounded lips and salted cheeks And finally we step to leave To the departure lounge of disbelief Wanna Hear Your beating heart Wanna Hear Your beating heart...
When I first found out I was pregnant, I didn't know what to do. Abortion wasn't an option for me, so I started looking into adoption. I found the IAC after I was researching on the...
So we've talked a lot about pressure and time, and how pressure actually changes in the left ventricle over time. And I'm going to take that one step further by describing to you what...
So we've talked about the pressure in the left ventricle and the aorta. And I thought it would be fun to sketch it out again. But I wanted to go into some details, because when we did it last...
quiet please wait a sec I'll take one oh yeah alright all good take care way to go nice bring it on gothca I'm here for you oh, no please, please please I'm waiting interesting...
I've drawn for you three heart cells. And one of the first things you should be thinking about is, well, how exactly do we know that it's actually a heart cell? So I'm going to...
So you're pretty familiar with this image of the heart. We have the four chambers. And I'm just going to start by labeling them-- the right atrium and right ventricle on this side and...
OK, I'm going to draw for you a box diagram of our hearts. Kind of a quick schematic and this is, let's say, divided in half. And I'll divide it in half again because we know...