hello origin militias going to go no no no alone grocers don't know what is there do you think your israel's response has been uh... proportional reasonable like they did it this...
I think this is the best contribution of Optor, you know, framing of the use of humor. Um, here is the thing. I think they had this idea of branding the movement using a lot of marketing strategies to...
Hey I'm Anna I'm from Mayfield, New York And I'm living in the woodlands, Texas [Music] Anna has been Anna since day one And I think you know early on She's always had...
so how did we decide to sell out of my we got here i mean i'm just a dumb firefighter that talks all the time and all these people have heard today are blowing me away i mean there's...
You can use your self effacing humor which is a very powerful form of humor where you tease yourself. The earlier you do that in a presentation, the faster you will gain rapport and people will like...



Ok, let's go back to the video here and see what we can do. Lights please. Now, I have had the great fortune of being able to speak in the last few months with on of the greatest humorist of...



We’re going to go to the video and we’re going to pick it up. I'm going to give you another advanced tip on introductions. We’re going to pick this video up about three quarters of the way...



On behalf of Expert Village I am Nicholas the Storyteller here in Miami, Florida and today I'm going to teach you how to tell a story. Now, a joke is a story. Yes it is. Let me illustrate the...
(Inaudible) backwards? Double SOB. And that’s the way they're going to look at you if that’s the way you treat them. Tom: Another obvious use of a joke book joke and that’s why I don’t mind...



Southerners have a great sense of their own ridiculousness. They don't much like other people talking about it, but they understand themselves. Also, I don't know that you can write...