We are pretty far into this module on employer brand and attracting talent, and I know what you're saying: "This is a course on social media--where in the heck's the social...
So depending on your own background, your own experiences, you probably heard lots of different ways that engagement has been defined, right? So, some folks have defined employee engagement as having,...
For this particular program I think it's basically anyone in an organization and it's gonna be trying to find the best talent and make sure the best people are staying. That could be...
In this section, we want to talk about the actual dimensions of what an employer brand is. If you're going to use social media to attract talent to the organization becomes pretty clear you...
Let's spend a little bit of time now talking about how your policy should relate? The value of having an overarching approach to your social media policy is that it helps you take what most...
Hi, my name is Pat Goodwin with Pat Goodwin Associates. What is executive outplacement? First of all, let me explain outplacements in general terms. Outplacement is a program that is offered to...



Hi, my name is Darren Williger, that's spelled Darren Williger. Well, it's a little bit strange. I've got some panic disorders and I suffered a brain injury following a couple...
>> Dr. David Vik: Hi. I'm Dr. Vik. I'm known as Doc, and I wrote "The Culture Secret". I have an individual passion for human resources. They've...



I took a job with Human Resources to learn the front side of hiring – bringing applicants on board so I’ve been a Human Resources Specialist for the last 8 years. There is no typical workday as a...
We live in a digital age, where everyone believes that the digital communications, Facebook, social media, email can take the place of personal contact. It can't. I keep in touch with my...