Hello, my name is Annick. I am the mother of Emy-Rose. Emy-Rose has had a disability since before she was born. Only half of her brain is functional. Her entire right side is affected. She is three...



3 (VALERIE!) Y 18... Pero esta vez esta puta Es la que esta guiando, el automovil Porque Michael se esta comiendo una... Ha, uhm, un hamburger (Una hamburger) Una hamburger, y se esta chupando el...



everyone to get ready for kids after Krejci Prasad here at somebody special birthday today who was your birthday song you you're a cheeseburger day grilled cheeses per day give yeah I me up...



Aleks and I are going to drag queen bingo at hamburger Mary's in West Hollywood. It's being filmed for Nick Carter's reality show and it's also supporting a local dog...
I was up its first the pacific rim here at the outlook is that a person a carnival what are your yesterday been in trouble before and I actually went to war in the time since two thousand as the very...
My feelings, swing out in a rhythm And lean out next to me; so deceptive! Swing up and down and around. Spin towards me Like the tail of a fan.* Swing back and forth and to the sides, Zoom down,...
Relaxing on the bench by TravelPod member njarraud Turtles nesting beach by TravelPod member njarraud Blue footed boobies by TravelPod member njarraud Pelican by TravelPod member njarraud Blue footed...
Arrived Galapagos! by TravelPod member destin8ion Our Cabin by TravelPod member destin8ion Proof We Are Here! by TravelPod member destin8ion Hey Grandpa! by TravelPod member destin8ion Giant Tortise...
Hey! What's up guys? This is Keith. It's almost christmas so I just thought of making a song for you. This is Last Christmas by Taylor Swift. I hope you'll like it. Last...
[MUSIC PLAYING] LAUREN GOTTLIEB: So you may have seen the pilot last spring or the holiday special before Thanksgiving. Well now, the season is back in full gear. In the show, I help out Nappytabs. I...