Hi, my name is Anne Glass. I'm a reading and learning specialist at a private school in New York City, and I work with kindergartners through third graders on reading word study and writing...
Teaching your dog to jump into your arms is a super cute and flashy trick. But it's also a trick that requires your dog to have really good physical ability. So you want to make sure that you...
Stella and I are going to show you how to teach your dog the trick of dance. When teaching this trick, you're going to want to have a clicker to mark when your dog's done something...
Hi! I’m Melanie McLeroy with Taurus Training for Expert Village. Today we’re going to talk about training golden retrievers. We’re working the Bodie, the golden retriever here, and we’re going to...
Over the next few sections, we're going to be talking about the building block of learning which is letter sounds. Two different types of letter sounds, there are consonants which are most of...
It's kind of a funny question. How do you teach your baby how to speak? Babies learn from us by copying us, so the best thing is to teach your baby to speak how you want your baby to speak. I...
"Freeze", or "stick 'em up", as I like to call it, is definitely a crowd-pleaser. It is a behavior or trick that is a variation on what we often refer to as...
Take a bow is a really fun behavior to train, and there's a variety of ways of doing it. We could capture a bow. What a bow is essentially is when your dog gets up and takes a beautiful...
Teaching your dog to jump over a bar is a fun, energy burning trick great for rainy days and bad weather. Keep in mind, though, when you're teaching this trick that it is important that you...
Today, we're going to work on the trick of sending your dog to a mat or a place or their bed. To do this trick, we're going to do some shaping with her and get her interested in going...