James Toronto wrote an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal addressing the issue of sexual assault on college campuses now he's really concerned about false reports or female students filing false...
in oklahoma restaurant refuses to serve quote freaks and gay people are I should say freaks and bag its as the owner of the restaurant says at Gary James at Gary's chick ríos in oklahoma City...
researchers at Case Western Reserve University wanted to see what religious perceptions do too those who believe that they have a porn addiction I and it turns out that the world's largest you...
sports illustrated is celebrating its fiftieth anniversary edition by featuring Barbie on its cover and this will be a swimsuit edition so barbie is also wearing a swimsuit which sounds ridiculous to...
now a lot of people are upset the NSA spying on americans love listening in our phone calls a while you're not listening listen necessarily listening in on all your calls but we are getting...
Russia spend $51 million dollars the last five years to you do construction for the Olympics and so cheap and part of the problem with this construction is that babe violated up many environmental...
President Obama recently and now so others can be big skill changes on the drone program oh my god we were gonna take the program other has the CIA and when I get put into the pentagon's Hans...
do you know what online pornography wall BYU is looking at you and they wanna help you out in fact they just put out this anti masturbation PSA for and they're hoping that your friends will be...
Can a breast enlargement procedure be combined with other operations? Well, the answer to this is yes and quite often at Aurora Clinics we will combine the procedures. What are the common procedures...