Holiness is your choice

Among those who profess to believe in Jesus Christ there are sheep and sheep. There are sheep who listen to the Shepherd's voice and follow Him and there are sheep who follow other sheep. The...
TEN YEARS AGO ON NINE ELEVEN In remembrance of nine eleven let us remember that... At times one is left out in the rain with out an umbrella.... At times one is left in the showers of lightning of...
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Every time that you do a sin, you are bringing yourself under Gods judgement not his mercy. The things is with our God, is that one day he will never have mercy on your again for all of eternity once...
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Jesus and Culture Well thank you very much. It's very gracious words, and I'm just thrilled to be here, and to be a part of your walk with Jesus. Some people kind of find it a little...
After prayer this morning, The Holy Spirit put this message on my heart. And I wrote it down on paper, And then I wrote it on my computer, So I could share the transcript with you. And I want to read...
I'm coming on here today to expose one of satan's favorite lies, That He likes to tell to carnal minded believers, Who profess with their mouth to be Christians but are not living the...



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