Holiness is your choice

The Hyatt Regency Baltimore is conveniently located on the Inner Harbor and has been one of the city's foremost hotels since its opening. Harborplace, the Gallery, and the Baltimore Convention...
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My wife and I just finished praying, And the Lord put heavyly on my spirit, That there are many of you out there, That need to humble yourself before God. It's not that you may not believe in...
Eternal life is not for everybody, it is only for those who endure until the very end. Somebody asked Jesus whether those who are being saved are few and He said,:”Narrow is the door, straight is the...
Nearly 3 out of 4 people here in the USA identify themselves as "Christians". And roughly 1/3 of everyone in this world profess to be "Christians" with their mouth....
For most of my life I believed in Jesus, but for most of my life I loved my sin more than I loved Jesus. I would have never admitted that and most "believers" would never admit that....
Many believers have a rotten attitude towards the “unsaved” and towards other believers. They believe that THEY are right and they are “saved” and all the others are going to hell and they think that...
Everyone is doing the will of someone. Some are doing there own will - their own thing. Many are doing the will of other people, Trying to please other people, Whithin a group or whithin an...
I think first and foremost we have to recognize that women have an absolutely critical role to play if Afghanistan is going to be stabilized, prosperous, and peaceful. You know, so much happens...
Previously on The Borgias... JUAN: We were attacked from all sides. ALEXANDER: What should have been a glorious victory is an ignominious defeat. Cesare was in Florence. Why did he not come to warn...