♪ You use your head I'll use mine ♪ ♪ We'll put them together and what do we find ♪ ♪ We can do it when we do it together ♪ ♪ We have fun whatever we do ♪ ♪ Let's keep...
As if I didn't exist, she passed by my side. Without a glance, Queen of Sabah. I said: -Aicha, take: all is for you! Here the pearls, jewels, Therefore gold around your neck, the quite ripe...



CHAIRMAN: The time has come to once again answer life's most savory question. Guys, everybody's good? CHAIRMAN: Whose cuisine reigns supreme? Oh, here we go! This is "Iron...
Exif pSony Ericsson SK17i 4.0.2.A.0.58_2d_f100 1980:01:10 01:32:46 0220 0100 1980:01:10 01:32:46 1980:01:10 01:32:46 0100 $3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz...
Hey guys! This is AGEmerald and today I'm going to show you how to do a fishtail braid! To start, comb out your doll's hair, which I already did. Don't forget to spritz it with...
Our interchangeable sets allow you to have just the needle you need right at your fingertips! Interchangeables are available in most styles across our line. There are many different sets to choose...



Hi, I’m Kelsey. I’ve been knitting for 10 years and I’m a member of several knitting organizations, and today I’m going to talk about circular needles. Most knitting is done flat, back and forth on...
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I love you the way you are I love you the way you were And no matter what will happen You are my darling My Wife You are my darling I love you the way you are I love you the way you were And no matter...
earlier today the Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved a resolution in attendance 7 vote allowing Barack Obama to use force in Syria that's a fairly close vote I'm actually...