Welcome to Candy Trips. Today we're in pretty Schöneberg in the south of Berlin, a very underrated area, I think. We're meeting a very nice interesting blogger called Lúcia of Vintage...
We always chill here. The two of us always chill here. Hi, it's Dietmar. And Josh. You were all alone last week. Yes, it was bad. It was embarrassing. Yesterday, our Femen Nude went online. A...
No. Welcome to The Week on eNtR. There's Josh. Hey guys! We got lots of nice comments. b00rzEE wrote a lot. He got Melissa's pole dance video. Schrumpelratte was jealous of those...
Art. That was no vandalism. I'm Jonathan Meese. Back from holiday, I'm Markus Lanz and this is TWOE, The Week On eNtR. Comments. City Cleaning will be happy Melissa went on a Stick It...
Welcome to The Week on eNtR. Here the eNtR team keeps you up to date with what we have planned, where we'll be shooting, what we'll show you, but we'll also talk about your...
[MUSIC PLAYING] RICK (OFFSCREEN): You're a vapid, careening, overpaid wind sack. DAVE (OFFSCREEN): Yeah, I'm a creative. WOMAN NARRATING: This scene looks familiar. Probably because...
Hi, I'm Melissa, I'm On The Beat for you, in front of Platoon Art Hall for a pretty cool event called Wardrobe Night Clothing Flea Market. Let me show you what's going on....