Tanunda by TravelPod member serenitynow Chateau Tanunda by TravelPod member serenitynow Jacobs Creek Cellar Door by TravelPod member serenitynow The vinyards at Jacobs Creek by TravelPod member...



1. Romantic Scences - While Your Lips Are Still Red (Nightwish) 2. Harry Potter - The Deathly Hallow - If We Hold On Together (Diana Ross) 3. The Dark Knight - Faster (Within Temptation) 4. Smallville...



This is Defense Against the Dark Algebrarts: How To Reverse the Dark Lord's Spell Using Inverses. the Dark Lord is known for using two words, Avada Kedavra. This dreaded killing spell can kill...



{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1265 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Cambria;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \paperw11900\paperh16840\margl1440\margr1440\vieww10800\viewh8400\viewkind0 \deftab720...
I wanna try... Grab the ends and throw it down. Here. Really? That's it. You're good. Really? The entire batter needs to hit the surface for the noodles to be good. You need to throw...
Snape! The man they call Snape! The master of potions was like none before He fought against evil, and helped Dumbledore. He saved Harry Potter and helped him escape The Hero of Hogwarts, the man they...
When I fly around, All the chicks are staring at me I'm so handsome, I'm the best in the world. I have a rat, I play Quidditch as keeper I'm good at wizard chess so even though...
You're a bonobo Harry The bonobo, scientifically called Pan Paniscus is relative to the chimpanzee both are the closest relatives to man, sharing 98.7% of our DNA, and the only thing...



(流浪的彩虹王子 第四集: 你在那裡, 彩虹王子?) 你在那裡, 彩虹王子? 我們一直在找你 我們一直在找你 到處都是彩虹國旗 每個人都興奮地跳著舞 一個好的故事需要完美的結局 我們一直等待這光榮一天的來臨 你在那裡, 彩虹王子? (然而他還是覺得他的生命裡少了甚麼) 我是我自己生命的創造者 所以, 來看一下 再看我一眼 我和你在哪裡不一樣 在我的世界裡 我不要有那些無理的束縛 在我的世界裡 沒有...



This glancing life is like a morning star A setting sun, or rolling waves at sea A gentle breeze or lightning in a storm A dancing dream of all eternity The sand was shimmering in the morning light...