You don't want to end up in jail over this. Just enjoy your headdress and do your May Day celebration But don't knock on the neighbor's door. Just because I had a few friends...



The very most ... (The most) Important thing ... (The most) (The very most important) My flower ... (The very most important) (The very most important) (The very most important flower) Taken from me...
Hey Babe I love you so much Hey Babe You are so sweet and awesome Do you wanna be my wife tonight we will do it like we did it last night I like your sister and your comic character I like you always...
hi guys make it almost all this is OK structure video too much I know I how much I'd offer so yes just never had the courage or confidence to post and videos so now I'm stop thinking I...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 PM: We wana be able to reach out and be big, u know?...



We just have to Wave Clear. Well good luck coordinating it. Ouch, fuck you! I'm feeling pushed around! I don't wanna to this anymore. This is bull shit! Oh Fuck, that's me! I...
rolling his eyes LOL finally did his 1st aegyo with a certain reluctance xD she grabbed his hand tightly then... ask him gaze at her LOL Jay: take it quickly!! why u r so late (LOL) just before losing...
subscribe for more videos like this rico her boyfriend etc avenue to the school board for internet word in i don't know what is good for me it is but pretend it is too close as you know if...
Today, I wish to speak to you about the world 'lol'. That's Lol with one L, not two. Well, actually, it does have two. So, Lol with two Ls not three. Oh no, now I've...