citizens united uh... according to john mccain though worst superior court decision that's what he said it was so um... for those of you who've been living under a rock where they cave...
Hi, my name is Jonathan. I'm the Producer on DarkOrbit but many of you know me as RickDeckard. Just want to talk to you about what we have done with the game over the last 6 months. Obviously...
palm beach post and radar dot com sever jose lambi uh... has found an interesting note from alan watts now i don't know this is appropriate uh... to report but you know he says hey you know...
the washington post has been sold who has bought it Jeff be zos Jeff be those Amazon's founder a very very rich guy The Washington Post has agreed to sell the newspaper to Amazon dot com...
whatever it is of the police radio show those bills yet by those crazy also danielle harry this morning tracy i didn't tell her you know i'm five yeah i i i you told me coming in then...