Tip #15: Oils, sprays, and solids. It's important to consider the formulation of your perfume while you're selecting it. We talked earlier, in Tip #1, about magazine samples; those...



Tip number one, for determining your signature scent. Number one, start by going to your local bookstore or newsstand and picking up a whole bunch of magazines. Fashion magazines are the best place to...
More zombies invade your TV, Sesame Street's surprise porn attack (what?!) and speaking of sexy, Britney Spears drops her scandalous Criminal video. I'm Alex and I've got your...
here's another question for you you know now there's so much smell and perfume sensitivity so there's a lot of work places that have banned sensed may have been perfumes they...
Our Bath and Body Beautiful Gift Sets are made with moisturising essential oils and Shea butter. These Bath and Body Bautiful gift sets comprise of either 3 or 4 beautiful products from the...
torture was a big part of this debate of the the talk about torture about whether or not we should used waterboarding we should be used torture and six out of every eight republican candidates...
according company called that united colors of benetton having them yes event nederland yeah that for the fact that so it may happen is another man's benefit older anomalous conflict about...
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Tip Number #16, body and bath. Many people choose to use their scent in the bath or shower in the form of shower gel or a bubble bath. You can also find wonderfully scented soaps, often natural, and...
Tip number 4. What do you like? What are your personal tastes? And how are the going to influence your choice of a perfume? What you like can very much tell a lot about your personality. And your...