>> Kate: Hello everybody. Itís Kate Luella here and Iíve very excited to introduce this next guest I did an interview with last night. Itís Kelly McCausey. She has been podcasting an...
Hi, everybody. It's Matt Cutts. We are now recording two days worth of webmaster videos, so we can answer as many as possible-- some that are really meaty, so we need a white board, and some...
Today's question is one that got passed on from Per-Erik Skramstad, who asked: "Will Google interpret links to URLs ending with a campaign tag, like ?hl=en, as a link to example.com...
MALE SPEAKER: Today's question comes from Greg M. in Vancouver. Greg asks, "On our travel site, we recommend and link out to hotels and bed and breakfasts in our niche. Our readers...
JOE ELVIN: Hello I'm Joe Elvin and here's what's been happening this week in search. [pause] Search engines remain the most trustworthy option when looking for news articles,...
MATT CUTTS: We have a question from San Francisco, California today. Blind Five Year Old wants to know: Why are paid directories not held to the same standards as paid links? I really enjoy that...
My Story by Kimberley Tilley and today I wanted to give you a little run down on my story and I was hoping for a nicer day but its as you can see is raining outside this is the backyard I'm...
hi my name is Andy Bailey and in the next few minutes I'll explain what my super duper exclusive can't get anywhere else bonus is when you buy simple azon through my link. now if...



Good morning. How you doing? I'm Mike Weaver from the Heavy Petting channel. This is my first video blog. Shit, let's call it a VLOG. Let's just dive right in to this webernet...
https://www.warriorplus.com/w/a/2btkf - WP Promotion Calendar Plugin WP Promotion Calendar Plugin provides you with an easy system too create, manage and promote daily offers to build your marketing...