While enthusiasts will recognise cues from the classic Targa concept, pioneered by Porsche in the late 1960s, this latest model is the first to combine state-of-the-art open roof technology with the...
If you’re like most of us, you have paid some SEO Company a HUGE amount of money to build you a website, only to find you are barely getting any traffic to your business and not making a penny from...
Hi guys. Are you ok? I´m Felipe Verza. I'm making this video to compare two effects pedals. Amp simulator. Let's use a Behringer GDI 21:01 Sansamp GT2, both have the same function....



When the nice lady from Lamborghini asked if we fancied spending a day with a pair of Aventadors before they get sent back to the factory at Sant'Agata, naturally we said yes. Then we came up...
hello I am IrishLeader, the Chairman of.. Edwards Coaches We have been voting and you have been voting, the general public To see who will get the job as President of Edwards Coaches they've...



Hyundai Veloster Vs. Nissan Juke McCafferty Hyundai Sales Has Great Grip And Poise And New Turbo Urgency Nissan Juke Has Poor Gas Mileage For A Small Car And Small Cargo Area Unbeatable Service The...



That was all I wanted to say about this car. Cut that Martijn, it's OK like this. Oh boy, this is fun. We're driving the car that's been on the website recently. It got...
Hello guys? I made this video to explain the battery checker As you can see we have 3 batteries two 2S This Rhino and this Turnigy with 5,300 mAh and this Rhino with 1050 mAh and a Turnigy 3S with...



MIKE SPINELLI: Hey, welcome to "Drive Central." Here's where you're going to find out what's happening on "Drive" this week. Don't...
They say sometimes that the cross is to rest or to demarcate that there was a dead person around or that somebody was killed or buried. Over here was a house, a big house where some women lived in...

