I think employment coordinator, and I'm going to let you know why -- because I work at Intel. It's a very agile and dynamic company, and we go through something called a...
I think because of just the complexity of environmental problems today, I think that there's going to be a big role and a kind of profession around process design, so not technical or...
I think the most interesting job that's going to exist probably in the next ten years is going to be a space miner. So, this is going to be somebody who's going to be mining asteroids...
I guess, actually, one question that always comes up is, "What specifically did you do?" In other words, people will come to you and say, "Oh, I did this project. I did...
We always ask people, "What took you so long?" And this is an interesting question because when you ask somebody this, it's completely open to their interpretation of what...
I don't make it much of a secret, but I get quite frustrated when young people we work with don't make the most of the opportunities that they're provided. So, just to give you...
This is such a weird light! Does it look like I've painted my face as well? No! See... Dave... You went to the effort of painting your face... you could have just bought one of these awesome...
In Think Big School we are teaching young people how to create their own projects and how to make them happen. We are trying to create interest of the participants in the environment, business and...
Hello and welcome to One Room With A View. Today we're looking at one of the most hotly debated questions going: "What is the Best Year in Film"? So settle in as we count...



(sung) We're waiting in the car we haven't got very far because the hand break's om and the engine's turned off and there's a person reversing don't hit...