wife's pleasure to welcome to the program Adele Stan writing for RH reality check on the anatomy the war on women Adele welcome to the program thanks so much for having me Sam now this a you...
the other thing is that the war on women doesn't only extend to reproductive rights contraception abortion et cetera they also corresponds to pay equity ok and senate republicans have blocked...



The North Carolina Republican Party's efforts this week to woo black voters away from the Democratic Party, not turning out to be great timing. A member of the Buncombe County Republican...
so the GOP is in a bit of a civil war though what are the two different sides here one is that so-called Tea Party backing the narrowly tea party they're just extremist right-wing billionaires...
It's a new year, and they're fighting over the same thing: it's Obamacare. Congress will take another vote today over Obamacare. They focus specifically on repeal, repeal,...
so glad to have one up one of the finest voices on radio on a out there david vander on line with us david bonior is the writer broadcaster progressive strategist activist author of several books...
virginia state senator uh... state delhi dash to save bob marshall at uh... important person in the virginia uh... legislature he's in fact is running in a primary issue is down for the senate...
pascal bruckner is a french blogger who wanted to talk about the issues that were having in the united states with our sexuality isle of this blog ok he wrote it right after an idea scale as uh......