wife's and speaking of cross marketing platform I the republicans rupture obstruction again I yeah I know you can protect it and I thought you know once they came to an understanding from...
but first it now are trying to sell it or are not going to write a seven-hour colours that when you look at the thirty-four richest countries in the world the organization economic cooperation of all...
co-counsel on the line to get a new arms control treaty with russia pass before by the end of the year seems like a a rational way to spend some of your time now of course it may not happen then they...
There is a move. Not to preserve social security from those on the other side of the aisle too many of them but to end it. Social security is a solemn promise that has been honored for decades and to...
now rebuttal is have been bring records on obstruction aside of course this is the plan is a map to show you i'll but let me give you a sense of their obstruction this congress has broke a...
so ever g_o_p_ is a plan to fight on health care reform now is it true proposed uh... in the senate side something new where they sell ideas how we should do healthcare reforms that isn't to...
%uh you remember yesterday to invade judd gregg this Senator from %uh that new Hampshire McCain now and with his little love obstructionist memo %uh told the republicans heidstra health care reform in...
but you know the republicans up architect and everything %uh and they wanted party of know an obstructionist and I thought all the issues but today we have but for example of it what they're...
now really unexpected the republics of highly return turning on there are a banker friends and their c l_ friends they're upset led the c_e_o_'s are now working with a lot of the...
this episode of the young turks is brought to you by audible dot com get your free audiobook at audible podcast dot com slash t y t the g_o_p_ has come out uh... with a new letter that they have sent...