Speaker 1: Hey Hobby Kids, let's open up the Dodo Island Beach Buggy by Play-Doh. It's going to be a blast. Here's all the pieces it comes with. Speaker 2: Hey y'all,...
HobbyMom: Let's open up Play-Doh Coco-Nutty Monkey. Here's all the pieces it comes with. Let's start by making a banana. Banana? Yeah, we're going to make a banana....
HobbyMom: Welcome to HobbyKidsTv. We're going to open up the Angry Birds go Jenga. It's a trophy cup challenge game. I have a HobbyKid here with me, let's get started....
Hmm, I was supposed to meet Mater at this junkyard, but I don't see him anywhere. I'll check over here. Nope, no Mater. What does that say? Oh, car park. I guess I'll just park...
Hey there McQueen, that fertilizer that Dusty Crophopper's always spraying stinks up the place. Sure does Mater. I were thinking we should pull a prank on him. Here's some glitter we...
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If you see this, the ENGLISH sub is on. - I can't belive it, is he really sent us here to kill a dragon? - Nope. He said, we have to defeat it, not kill it, it's not the same. - I hope...
he everywhere heal it discounts he had gone outlines his disarray recording their in missed the said mr warren and i sell but interfaces garn pieces that is not gotten that i mean that's...
Yesterday, when you were young, Everything you needed done was done for you. Now you do it on your own But you find you're all alone, what can you do You and me Walk on, walk on, walk on Cause...