Hi, I am Rhiannon from Dollfaceree and welcome to my Videojug series Viva la Summer. Over the next four weeks, I am going to be showing you how to accessorize four different summer looks all under...
Hi, Alan Stratton from As Wood Turns (www.AsWoodTurns.com). There is still time to get your Christmas ornament video in for this year's Christmas Ornament Woodturning Challenge. For my next...
The Moon and Sixpence by W. Somerset Maugham Chapter XXXI Next day, though I pressed him to remain, Stroeve left me. I offered to fetch his things from the studio, but he insisted on going himself; I...
And we're learning how to make a table center piece for any party. Now what ever your theme you can choose from tons of different hats and we have like hundreds of hats to choose from at Party...
Most scientists believe birds descended from dinosaurs — but one newly discovered fossil shows a dinosaur really looking the part. The new specimen is a duck-billed dino to begin with, but this one...



Hi, this is Ginny with Simply Beautiful Crafts on behalf of Expert Village and we're going to make party hats. I like to call this a firecracker hat because it reminds me of a firecracker....
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