General george washington

it's really interesting because you would have thought they were both members of the same administration and same party but they really hated each other and uh... hamilton tried to get to rig...
So what you've done over the last nine years has been absolutely phenomenal and nothing short of incredible. [Ritterby] In his State of the Army address, Army Chief of Staff General George...
that will be a total of five. And you'll win this prize. (Jay) It's a brand-new car! Buick's dramatic Century Limited. The midsize personal luxury car with a spacious,...
yeah that's a great question and %uh it's %uh why it all changed at that time is %uh you know you could write volumes on %uh and not get the and not get to the bottom of it but i do...
The media before the nineteen seventies tended to be pretty passive in how they covered Congress there wasn't a lot of attention given to Congress and there wasn't a lot of criticism...
personally i see myself as a daughter of the great migration that tells you everything you need to know about me uh... i have this very firm fundamentalist disciplined background married to this...
you say that our leaders are addicted to war addicted to war why do you say that the sign of an addiction I suppose is a when somebody keeps coming back to something that's bad for you and...
eisenhower %uh his persona was much different than the real eisenhower eisenhower if the cameras were on him he could flick a magic button and be huck finn as painted by norman rockwell and %uh and he...
so a signing statement is an official legal document that a president issues on the day he signs a bill into law files it in the federal register and it consists of instructions to the executive...
Segregation affected everything and was'nt limited to politicians and judges and courts but affected the day-to-day life for most whites you know I once interviewed for two hours at Duke...