He comes from a land...far, far away. A little place that some people call...Great..Britain. Exiled for streaking at the royal wedding. He left his motherland. Along with the only woman he ever truely...
Ronaldo. Ronaldo? Yes Ronaldo. So that's one for Ronaldo. Ronaldo. Ronaldo. Cristiano Ronaldo. He's looking hot. Strong - he's looking strong! What about Messi? Messi is...
"Would our opponents score a goal? That would complicate things enormously, so we will have to be strong, opportunists and realists. That sums up a lot of the qualities we will have to have...
>> David: Welcome to the video everyone. Today I'm going to show you five attacking moves that every attack minded player should know and not only know, but should use in...
ahora que los los acuerdos son un poco y hasta casi pasado no digamos sí recuerdo que era el primer título de de jugar yo acababa en el ataque ya ven de mi vida casa que era badajoz heurtel primera...
Hey, how's it going guys? This is Joe, you're now watching SupremeFootyTV. This is just an update on the 4 headliners of the transfer market of the Premier League. Let's start...
Let's watch Rayo - Real Madrid. Let's see how Rayo Vallecano as usual took many risks and how turnovers including those in Real's half.. Let's see how there Alonso goes...
Tags: Goals, Assists, Skills, Saves, Free Kick, Tricks, Rabona, Sergio Kun Aguero (Atletico Madrid)Samir Nasri (Arsenal)Fernando Torres (Liverpool)Zlatan Ibrahimovic(Inter Milan)Kaka (AC Milan)Wayne...
I watched the West Ham against Tottenham game, and maybe it is just better to say it was West Ham against Gareth Bale Is he the best player in the premiership? He has got to be one of the best players...
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