If you wear braces, congratulations! You are doing something positive to help straighten your teeth and improve your dental function. Good oral hygiene is important when you have braces because food...
Porcelain dental bridges are a great option when patients are missing teeth. In many cases patients are not good candidates for dental implants, and so we have to look for alternative options and a...
Well, this is another series in our...videos where we are going to answer a question that we get regularly from...other people who are looking to...either get dental implants or they're...
We started in 2006 because we realized that as the market was, there was no real education for hairdressers as to what was the right kind of equipment to use. With 40,000 new hairdressers starting in...
Hi my name is Carol and I am a registered dental hygienist and I will be speaking on behalf of Expert Village.com and in this clip we will be discussing flossing. How to floss and what types of floss...
So are you wondering on how to keep your teeth straight after braces? Well my name is Michelle and I'm a Dental Assistant with Solutionz. I'm going to explain to you on the best way to...
JILLIAN: A great first impression. Very nice. Very sensitive to a situation as far as smile and perfectionism with that. So very good impression. I felt very comfortable with him. He’s very...



Why would somebody see a hygienist? What is gum disease? What is periodontal disease? The gum should be like a very tight collar around the tooth. There's a crevasse that runs around every...
Welcome to the subject Manufacturing Processes - II. Now our module going on is seventh screw threads and gear manufacturing methods and today's lecture will cover Manufacture of Gears. Now...