hi um my name is vicktory and this is..... this is davaughn. Davaughn is one month old son of mine. He was born with BILIARY ATRESIA and I am making this documentary for all the mothers out there...
Gall stones, basically, are clusters of cholesterol crystals, and they form within the gall bladder very similar to how a pearl forms in an oyster. Those cholesterol clusters get together and form...
The third criteria that I think you should look at is specifically what type of service are you going to get? the person that you meet with are you actually going to meet with an attorney? is that...
The cardiologist swore under oath that the EKG reading was absolutely normal -- except that it wasn't. Would you like to learn the answer? Come join me as I share with you this remarkable...
Michael: I everybody, we're going to talk to you today about one of the more serious and widespread isuues that many people face today - Liver and gallbladder dysfunction. Julie: Stay tunes,...
HOST: Steve has a question for Dr. Christopher Cantrill: How can someone prevent kidney stones? DR CANTRILL: Really the two simple things to help prevent a kidney stone is one, you want to keep...
[MUSIC] My name is Nabil Dagher. I'm a transplant surgeon at Johns Hopkins Hospital and the Director of Living Donor Transplantation at Johns Hopkins. [MUSIC] Living donor liver...
[MUSIC] The pancreas is an organ that resides deep in the abdomen. It rests against the backbone in front of two major blood vessels called the aorta and the inferior vena cava. It is also covered by...
My name is Emily Anderson and I'm from Trenton, Missouri. My major is Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound and I first chose it when I saw my sister having her first ultrasound with her first child...
Today we are going to discuss the gross anatomy of the spleen which is a wedge shaped structure present in the left hypochondria with the left kidney below it. This is the left kidney, this is the...