As I came home in the morning, I was asked by my mother: “Where were you?” I said, “I was taken to Flamboyan.” Then they would take turns to rape me. Sometimes by 3 or 4 soldiers. They turned all the...
If I love you it's because you are my love my accomplice and my everything and in the street, hand in hand, we are much more than two. we are so much more than two. Your hands are my caress my...
Hello, I'm Edgar Castelo, a Portuguese Inventor and I'm an Inventor, since I invented this Ellipse Drawing machine, that got me this first Bronze Medal in Nuremberg, and from then on,...



Speak galera another post there for you Order PriceAngels Here you guys see screening This came quickly, more or less about 20 days around and the folks there heard the last times enstao starting to...
RONDONIA SKIES RONDONIA STATE ANTHEM MUSICAL DIRECTOR, ARRANGER GUITARS: OSEIAS ARAUJO When our sky frames the nature making it look yet more beautiful We, the pioneers of Rondonia, feel proud of its...
And then we gonna start to add, first I would say, let's put the chicken first, all right, nice chicken, hu it's gonna make some nice color, you know, it's very important, you...