In this video, I'll be talking about the E-flat dominant scale and arpeggio. We're going to start with the first finger on E-flat, fourth finger on F, open G, first finger on A-flat,...



RYAN LARSON: So today, we're going to go through and I went and took some changes right out of the real book and we're going to through and lock them on to bass and we're first...



Now we have D under our fingers and we can just walk right through. (audio demo) It's alright if we throw a couple of chromatic notes in there, they're just passing tones, and we got...
So now that we have our one, our two-minor and our five-seven down we can go through and start playing some triads and bump some reggae. So we're going to start with our ones. We got one,...



Now we are going to take a look at our C major scale as it is written on the actual staff. So if you zoom in here we have our bass clef. Now notice we have five lines. So these note lines...



So now that we have our basic scale down and some chord roots that we can use we're going to just bounce around the scale using some funk. What you really want to do is come on the one, on the...



JOEL SIEGEL: You recognize that beat? If you were born before 2000, we'll say you probably do. That's Ringo Starr's beat for "Come Together," that's a...



Puedo ver a tu ser Intentando me ver Puedo sentir a mi ser Queriendo te ver Se vivir lo que hoy Hoy me puedes dar Quiero ser el cielo En el cual puedas volar y ya ves como es, esto del querer Sin...



So now we're going to through and funk up the guitar a little bit. And what we're going to do is utilize that same exact scale but we're just going to put some space as we jump...



Lipstick junkie debunked the all in one, she Came back wearing a smile Lookin’ like someone drugged me That wanted to unplug me No one here is on trial It’s just a turnaround and we go Well and we go...