From bordeaux with love

Hey guys. Welcome to my chateau. Just chilling in my chateau in the French countryside. It's pretty impressive. Actually it is pretty impressive. So right now we are making our way from Paris...
Drawn in by an unseen cold hand, I pass even time as it flows to eternity. As your eyes look away into the hazy distance, what is revealed to them, I cannot see. As the moonlight shines on my bitter...
Who am I you might ask? But ''who'' is the form following the function of what and what I am, is a man in a mask. You can see that, of course you can, I'm not...
Here we are ! Two years of my honorable little life have been necessary to get there A three floors building, classrooms and a bunch of wanton students or should I say future swindler Welcome to...
- Well, it's easy. There is a boy and a girl. They charm each other, you've got all the fuss about seduction, and they eventually kiss. But the guy doesn't seem very...
- by TravelPod member ckuryak - by TravelPod member ckuryak - by TravelPod member ckuryak - by TravelPod member ckuryak - by TravelPod member ckuryak - by TravelPod member ckuryak - by TravelPod...



всем привет, небольшой привет из Франции, меня зовут Катя и сегодня я хотела бы поговорить с вами о значимости иностранных языков в нашей жизни на самом деле не смотря на тот факт, что я живу во...
Hello everybody! My name is Agathe, The Sweet Bordeaux Wines have decided to introduce the music bands in the Bordeaux area. Just follow me! We are now in the restaurant called “Central do Brasil”...
There’s one story that I really like that happened a few months ago. I was taking a trip to Miami so I was on the airplane and while I was walking into the airplane I ended up speaking to this woman...
European Union removes Egypt's E. coli-linked seeds from market. On Tuesday, July 5, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) announced that a single shipment of fenugreek seeds imported from...