פּרק קסקסווייי. פּרעפּאַראַטיאָנס פֿאַר דיפּאַרטשער. אַטהאָס פאַרפאַלן קיין מער צייַט אין קאַמבאַטינג דעם ימיוטאַבאַל האַכלאָטע. ער האט אַלע זיינע ופמערקזאַמקייַט צו פּריפּערינג, בעשאַס די צוויי טעג...
פּרק קסייי. נעקטאַר און אַמבראָסיאַ. עם פאָוקוועט געהאלטן די סטעראַפּ פון דעם מלך, וואס, ווייל דיסמאָונטעד, באָוד רובֿ גריישאַסלי, און מער גריישאַסלי נאָך געהאלטן אויס זיין האַנט צו אים, וואָס...
פּרק ך וואו, פּראָבאַבלי, מאָליערע אָבטאַינעד זיין ערשטער געדאַנק פון די באָורגעאָיס גענטילהאָממע. ד'אַרטאַגנאַן געפונען פּאָרטהאָס אין די אַדזשוינינג קאַמער, אָבער ניט מער אַ יראַטייטאַד...
[music] arased11 asks Is having a little bit of fat a big deal in Korea? I have a Korean friend who constantly says that she needs to diet even though she looks perfectly healthy to me and it always...
The future Starts Today It's your choice It's a window Into the better world It's a new technology It's a dream This is an inspiration It's a friendly advice By...
There he goes. I hope he has a good time. He was so disappointed that he wasn't going to be able to go out with his friends tonight. He had four research papers to do this week. Of course,...
keeping your accounts in order is one of the most important things to ensure the success of your business and finding the right account in sheffield delivers and give helpful and friendly advice can...
Girl: Communist street is perpendicular to this street... Me: Wait a minute! Me: Please, take a chewing gum! You have a stinky breath! Me: Wait, it's a prank, you are on camera! Girl:...



Plagiarize Plagiarize Let no one else's work evade your eyes. Remember why the good Lord made your eyes. So don't shade your eyes. But plagiarize plagiarize plagiarize. Only be sure...
What are you doing? - Break it up! You're going to rot in jail. Really? we'll see who gets out first. I'll kick your ass, and maybe you'll enjoy it. Shut up! You...