Of course, there will be few people who are sympathetic but you don't become a great team overnight, no matter how much money you have at your disposal.
I admit I was somewhat concerned when we started to sign so many players - naturally you are going to worry about whether you can retain your place in the side.
Scoring goals is the best feeling you can have. I always look up at the stand for my family straight afterwards; it means everything to me that they travel to every game.
I'm like everyone else: I want to play every game, but it's not possible.
I'm really happy here. I think anyone who knows me well, and the fans too I hope, they know that I love the area, and the bond that I've had with the fans has been fantastic.
I think it was in Moscow last year and I got changed for training the day before we played Moscow, but the fact is they actually wanted to do John's, me and John were next to each other and they did...
I'm happy here, and why change when you love the club and the club's in a really good position right now.
Reading and writing is so important, and it's something I am really keen to promote. It's something that can be a bit lost these days with so much else going on.
When I was at school, I wanted to be a lawyer.
I think I work harder on the pitch, I cover more ground and my passing is more accurate.