TALES FROM THE WORLD OF ART Written by: György Kovásznai Jazz by: Directed and drawn by: György Kovásznai Tale No.1: Thriller Hey man, you wanna go to the movies? -What's playing? - A...



CAMEL STUDIO presents ECHO Look at this big stone ! The way you call into the mountain is the way the echo will sound. Who sreamed it from mountain ? Nobody. It echoes from stones, trees... But it is...


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Bruce Lee said, "empty your mind; be formless, shapeless...If you put water inside of a bottle, it becomes the bottle. If you put water inside of a teacup, it becomes the teacup. Now water...
In business news the Pleasant Street bridge is open for business after a year-long 5.4 million dollar makeover and businesses in the area say they have reason to celebrate. I'm so excited,...



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-And, that is what happens to pumpkins when you put firecrackers in them. -Holy accordian-playing penguin! -Where?!? (Dramatic intro music starts) -(Dramatic music stops) Let's go against...



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