Welcome to Revelation Unraveled. I'm your host William Tapley, also known as the Third Eagle of the Apocalypse and the Co Prophet of the End Times. Well, were you surprised that the Supreme...
Welcome to Revelation Unraveled. I'm your host William Tapley, also known as the Third Eagle of the Apocalypse and the Co Prophet of the End Times. As I'm sure many of you know, the...
You look like a bunch of swineherds. Some of us were swineherds. And some of us tanners and masons. That was before. You're still swineherds and tanners and masons. You think carrying a...
5 foolish virgins returned to the Lord with profane fire, and they are rejected. I am going straight to the point. You are out there wondering why the Lord is not telling you a word, and why He never...
one is a problem who are you looking at me like that are you a homosexual onions i'm very proud to be homosexual this is your warning homosexuality is an abomination to god shot up i'm...
Jesus Christ is the Living God and HE is the ONLY GOD! There is NO WAY to the Father except through JESUS CHRIST! Jesus and His Father are ONE, they are ONE IN THE SAME! People don't want to...
I want to share with you my testimony how God stopped a runaway fire. I owned 2 acres on a large estate and we were burning some dry grass on my property when suddenly the wind came up and blew this...
Welcome to "Revelation Unraveled", I'm your host, William Tapley. On this program I want to talk about that huge forest fire in Israel. I believe this is a warning from...



Many believers are indulging in willful sin. Many believers are unfruitful, they are not bearing fruit for the Kingdom of God. They are unholy, unrighteous. Dear friends, the grace of God is leading...
Jesus will disown people. He will disown Christians who thought they were right with him and they end up being disowned by the Lord. I want to read to you what Jesus said in Matthew chapter 7:21: Not...