sometimes wise men tell short stories sometimes they merely indicate all the days are teachings quarries observe, grasp and imitate i'm jumping the queue while I hold in my mind the hare, the...
Translated by Marcelo Supertramp Synced by Marcelo Supertramp Hey guys, one of the frist 'bouncing' tricks you will learn is the buttbounce, to sit on the line Don't think it...
Translated by Marcelo Supertramp Synced by Marcelo Supertramp Gyro Fall by Daniel Escossio This trick is the Gyro Fall, this trick is often mistaken by the Skydive or the Freefall FS depending on your...



Ryan: Ok, so, we're broadcasting live on Google Hangouts and the topic today is Google hangouts. I'm here at Co Merge in San Diego and I've got some people attending live in...
Subindo o Vesuvius by TravelPod member gustn Vesuvius by TravelPod member gustn Vista do Vesuvius by TravelPod member gustn Vesuvius de Longe by TravelPod member gustn Chegando em Pompéia by...
In a world where money did not exist lived Adam He was a Hebrew teacher and wanted to exchange private lessons for camel cheese Adam knew that Sarah was the only who had that kind of food So he went...
Here we are Sept 30 2012 Date where we are going to do the first Brewday here at Mogi Mirim's venue of Cervejaria Fantástica. Here is our brew in a bag system This is a 50L (13 gallon)...



And now, the weather forecast with Jussara Marcozini. How are you, Jussara? – I'm great, Sergio! – How’s the weather for the holidays? Well Sergio, the temperature levels will change a lot...