for nearly three decades the Final Fantasy video game franchise has captivated fans with complex characters and epic worlds to explore and now the time has come to explore the real world behind the...
I have some money to buy a new video game. Oh money from grandma huh? No, not money from "grandma" I earned it working the DQ. Well I guess nannie's little boy is growing up....
Hey Pearl, run a diagnostic. All systems fully charged. All systems operational. Run a quick analysis for me. Pulsefire online. Mystic shot, armed. Arcane shift, enabled. Essence flux, primed. Trushot...



Zack... For the... both of us... Both of us? That愀 right... you愉e gonna... you愉e gonna... Live Yu富I be... my living legacy My honnor my dreams they愉e yours now I惴... your living legacy... Embrace...
If I can control the darkness, then I no longer need to fear the darkness within my heart. What? Stop! This battle is over! What a huge difference in power from before. What's going on?...
So, out of morbid curiosity, I wondered just how the original PlayStation version of Final Fantasy VII would stack up to this strange, strange PC version we’ve just seen. And so, in the interest of...
them them of kaylee let me that with do lead used to it who greats creates great great great great great grandfather that and how he lived in a moment of stupid eloquently the d did ad with u life...



Welcome back you sexy Graulings! Todays class build was asked for by Kyle Ottmann. Congratulations Kyal... you win a class build. Show all your friends and rub it in like the sexy boss you are. If you...
ahh... yes, the infamous S-12... the semi automatic shotgun is considered by many to be the worst in call of duty black ops 2 in this episode, im gonna show you how to kick some serious ass with it...
Todays episode was suggested by TheNouriani (show pic of comment). Thank you TheNouriani, you will for ever live on in the archives of youtube. sure to influence those who come after you. maybe. not...