BETH HOYT: Ding, your Peep is done. Take your Peeps out of the microwave. [MUSIC PLAYING] BETH HOYT: You guys, it's Friday. We made it. We did a live show for a whole week, and we're...
ALEX G: Hi, I'm Alex G from TYLER WARD: Hello, I'm Tyler Ward from the from YouTube channel Tyler Ward Music. ALEX G: My favorite music moment of 2013 was when Tyler...
IKAI LAN: Hey everyone. Welcome to another edition of YouTube Developers Live. We have a very special show for you guys today. I know I always say that, but I actually mean that. First off,...
[MUSIC PLAYING] KURT SCHNEIDER: What's up, guys? I'm Kurt, and I'm from KINA GRANNIS: Hi, this is Kina Grannis, and you can find my music at...
[MUSIC PLAYING] SAM TSUI: What's up? My name is Sam Tsui from TJ SMITH: Hey, what's up m. My name is TJ Smith. My channel is ivyleaguepunk. SAM TSUI: My...