I make want this video real quick I know we have another snow storm coming tonight into tomorrow, a lot of people this winter have been falling people in my family,um, my girlfriend fell today and...
]`Rg =U#v l==HV g<i}f (n2. g}sME1 5ej: a|wl dP.e@9 ici] |o/no GP-dX cvBC Z]J], :=lfm 9iH!K(`DL :VP( e?I$ -D){ |Ys*N B9ea 9t3~ | "# Z6ZW iun2 4Z~o )$9@ z/<GoO2 F~dA| K1FK...
Yes S 5 6 Charlie Tango, here is S 5 9 Delta Echo Mike. Yes Tilen, everything was 100% copied. As it have not been enough that the large part of Notranjska region remained without electricity, mobile...
This is a song that I made up and I'm trying to create more of it. So... Don't blame me if it's bad. It'll only be like one minute. N' stuff... That's...
JFIF HExif 2010:03:04 15:36:14 $3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz &'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz Vv~W p8?\ )x,[' QMF.j ]te;}= n;VB...
It used to be that the city of New York was responsible for snow and ice conditions on sidewalks. Several years ago, however, the law changed. Now, it is the responsibility of the landlord that is up...
Thomsen? Please, have a seat. Thomsen... It says here on my papers that you have been struggling with insomnia... ...and that you have talked to a Dr. Henrich about this problem. Thomsen... ...why did...