My favorite Champion is Twisted Fate, TF for short. It’s all in the cards I think he is a very graceful and flexible Champion. He is a pretty powerful AP carry and his appearance is very cool. I...
Hey! What's Up? I'm Jen. I'm Deaf. And today, I will talk to you about deaf stereotypes. Deaf people only sign, read lips, and are mute. Uh.. Not true. Everyone is different....



What up, YouTube? This is TabooLexicon. Welcome to Morning Word. Today's scripture comes from Romans chapter 10 verse 9. It says, "if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord...



Welcome to E-470 Now where you get the latest news on the 47-mile toll road running the eastern perimeter of the Denver metro area. E-470 2013 traffic numbers have increased for the fourth straight...



Hi everybody, I'm Shinsekai and I play the top lane. Hello I'm .Kra, I'm the AD carry and captain of Nyan. Hi, I'm Godwin the Support. Hi, I'm a. Vanti CieliX...



Phoo! What a day. Just take these out. The worst thing about this quest to fake being deaf is having to wear these earplugs. And I miss the sound of my own voice basically. It doesn't sound...



What's up everyone, impaKt here. Today I'll be talking about one of the topics that you guys have requested the most so far: predictive targeting. So what exactly is this...



What makes hydra such a strong item on champions is due to it's ability to cancel animations. As you can see in these few clips, I cast hydra while my ability animations go off. By doing so...

