What is Credit Repair? This is a short video to help you understand what Credit Repair is, and how it works. To do that, we will first discuss some basic concepts such as What is a Credit Report, What...
Does check fraud affect your credit? It might — but don't worry. We'll help you understand how. -- this is Credit in 60 Seconds. What if you have your checkbook stolen and the thief...
This is Jeff Rose, goodfinanicalcents.com with another message for you. Today I want to talk about tough love. What do I mean by tough love? If you are a parent then this really, really should...
Well what you have is VAT is the success story of the century, there's now VAT in about 150 countries, governments are running out of cash as most people would know, so they order companies...
We do a lot of business with retailers and I think retailers are becoming much better marketers. And I think retailers are using their consumer loyalty data much more so than in the past. So they’re...
Insights are central the BabyCenter's business. In fact, we call BabyCenter an Insights engine. It is really the machine that allows not only us to understand Mom and build the products and...
Utah Credit Repair: Is Credit Repair Possible? In today’s economy, millions of consumers cannot qualify for credit and loans (at least not one with decent terms) due to the poor status of their...
Hi. I'm Justin Mager, an employee here at Veridian Credit Union. If you are watching this video, then you must have questions about credit scores. Let's take it from the top. What is a...
This is Jeff Rose from goodfinancialcents.com. Let me ask you a question. How many of you enjoy paying fees on your checking account?....Didn't think so. I hate paying fees on my checking...
Hey guys Ryan Hache here. And in this video i'm gonna show you how to get email addresses that actually make you money. Okay? Now, a lot of people think that, you know, if I only had so much...

