The one example that comes to mind happened during my first job out of college when I failed to meet the deadline on a draft of an article that I was working on. And it was a matter of not managing my...
(music) It's all centered around the term "quality of life" and that's the hope for the future, that she maintains or improves the quality of life. I was ready for...
GREAT EXPECTATIONS by Charles Dickens Chapter I My father's family name being Pirrip, and my Christian name Philip, my infant tongue could make of both names nothing longer or more explicit...
Let's kick things off by setting your expectations about what you will and will not find on the Mov'n On Up website. First, we are not a lender. We do not accept loan applications nor...
I've had enough! I want to go back home. Go home? I'm not giving up, even with my injured Ieg. Wife, we're going back home. You're coming with me. It's out of...
bjbj"9"9 JUDY WOODRUFF: Reporter Steven Erlanger is in Baghdad covering the talks for The New York Times. Steven Erlanger, thank you for speaking to us well into the evening there....
Hey what's up YouTube! And today I'm gonna talk about something I really hate...expectations! Hey what's up YouTube, this is SunnyChopper, as you know I'm gonna talk...
Hi there, what we're going to do in this video series, is we're trying to give you an overview. The goal here is to help you to help yourself. Tennis is a game that takes a lot of...
I would want to hire someone that is well rounded. Somebody that has a pretty wide scope, a good broad view of the world. Somebody who can get along with people. Somebody who's a team player....
I'd like to say a few things about what you can expect from this course called General Semantics: An Approach to Effective Language Behavior. I'm recording this on Sunday, January...