Hi Besties! Do you love a good product review? Well today I have the CRAZIEST products to review. Z! Go get everyone some crazi-sauce cuz weez about to have a party. I love crazi-sauce Special thanks...
Hi Besties! no What? I just said hi no Today we're going to have substance to the vlog But I always have substance no Ok, well you better take over. Z! Go throw away the ez cheese and bring a...
Hi Besties! Women owned businesses are awesome-sauce and I found a couple that I just can't keep to myself. Z! Go get the women owned businesses list I love women owned businesses lists...
Hi Besties! A lot of you have questions about Facebook. And I have a few videos up regarding previously mentioned questions. Now onto a Besties Facebook fans questions along with a pretty good answer...
I'm on strike. Today I'm going to throw a fit like a little child. Here's the lowdown I cook my kids a yummy breakfast. I make pretty good eggs. But I made one mistake today. I...
Hi Besties! why haven't you all gone and liked Z on Facebook and Twitter? Links down below. Click Today is Friday shout outs and you know what that means! As a mom entrepreneur expert I shout...
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